Do You Want to Write 12 Picture Books in 12 Months? | Learn More!


Hear From Members!

The 12 x 12 Picture Book Writing Challenge has changed the trajectory of the lives and careers of many picture book creators. Hear how in this video.
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Scholarship Recipient Success

More than half of 12 x 12 scholarship recipients have gone on to sign with agents and publish books. Hear about a few of their journeys in this video.
“What stands out for me about 12 x 12 are the comprehensive resources and being a part of a supportive kidlit community. Through 12 x 12, I’ve raised the level of my craft and met other writers to swap critiques and cheer successes. It’s telling that very experienced and successful writers are active, long-time members. There’s something for everyone no matter where you are in your writing career.”
Leah Schanke
2021 Scholarship Recipient
“At face value, setting a big writing goal and pursuing it in a public arena can be daunting. But there is no one way to engage with a writing community—the key is to start engaging, because you never know what will cross your path. A single writing friend you make, a needed confidence boost for your manuscript at the right moment, or one little nugget of gold from a guest presenter—any of these could be just the thing you didn’t know you needed for the next leg of your journey. They certainly were for me! 12 x 12 was the perfect gathering place of talented, like-minded, generous people to make those discoveries possible.”
Jack Wong
2021 Scholarship Recipient
“I truly appreciate your generosity in awarding me one of the 12 x 12 scholarships. It has kept me and my writing journey afloat while taking time to think of what extras I could afford since my husband’s death. For me, 12 x 12 will continue to be a gift from me to me. I hope one day to pay it forward to help another writer in need.”
Mona Pease
2021 Scholarship Recipient
I can say, without a doubt, that I would not have written all these picture book manuscripts if it hadn’t have been for 12×12. I might have done one, maybe two, but certainly not four. I am so excited to write up eight more. Some will stink, but if just one of them has enough promise to turn into a submittable manuscript, it’ll be worth it. Also, I’m sure my critique group appreciates not having to read the same story every single round!”
Julie Falatko
“I love 12×12 and can’t wait to do it again next year! I got a whole slew of ideas from Tara Lazar’s PiBoIdMo, plus I had a whole bunch of manuscripts already in progress, so between the two it’s been a busy year with 12×12! I came up with 5 or 6 brand new manuscripts, and spent the rest of the year revising 3 or 4 others. I queried most of the agents (with a few nice comments in return, but no takers), but loved that I could send my work out and see if anything stuck. I also started an online picture book critique group which has been fabulous. I purchased Writing Pictures Books by Ann Whitford Paul, read all of Julie’s posts, worked with the other writers, followed Emma Hamilton’s advice, and YES indeed I believe my writing has improved a lot this year – in fact, I think I’ve improved more this year than is the last several combined. Thank you so much, 12×12!”
“I wrote 11 Picture Book manuscripts/drafts this year thanks to 12 x 12. I also polished up a couple of old ones thanks to what I learned from my 12 x 12 buddies. Sending off submissions is something completely new to me and I couldn’t have gained the confidence to do so without my world of 12 x 12 buddies…I am so pleased I joined this group and could stop talking to myself. There is only so much one can say to oneself to motivate and inspire –thank goodness for you guys.”
Jacque Duffy

Financial Need Scholarship Guidelines

All applications will be accepted via email only between November 1, 2023 – November 30, 2023 at

Subject line of the email:

  1. 12 x 12 Financial Need Scholarship

Please include the following in the body of the email:

  1. An autobiographical statement and career summary in 250 words or fewer.
  2. A short statement describing the nature of the financial need/circumstances in 250 words or fewer.
  3. A sample query letter for the manuscript you are submitting with your application.
  4. Pitches for two additional completed picture books.

 Attached to the email:

  1.  The full text of one picture book manuscript, attached as a Word document named as FIN_YourFirstName_YourLastName_Title_of_Manuscript.doc (or docx).